Interest in cultural, active and healthy experiences grows

The motivations and travel intentions of tourists have evolved in recent years in search of new experiences and personal enrichment. Traditionally the main tourist attraction worldwide used to be sun and beach, but according to various market reports, travelers are showing much more interest in a destination with a rich cultural, active and natural offer.

The wellness product, related to well-being, is the one that picks up the greatest increase in relative interest on the part of tourists. Although this motivation was not a priority in 2017, it has gained prominence in 2018: the increase in tourist mentions related to yoga practice, tranquility, or slow lifestyle, clearly show an opportunity for destinations.

In Latin America and the Caribbean there has been an interest in the tourism-culture relationship for a long time. Little by little it has been recognized that cultural values ​​are not necessarily denaturalized or compromised when linked with tourist interests. Rather, the attraction of monuments and the increasing influx of foreign admirers often helps to raise awareness of their national significance and significance. Cultural tourism not only implies history, but also gastronomy, crafts, musical rhythms and traditions.
There is a certain perception that boring culture, but the trick is to combine culture with fun, something that destinations like Mexico have managed to manage. Iconic natural parks in the region such as Xcaret, Xenses and Xoximilco stand out not only for the natural beauties they hold, but for the cultural and traditional approach that has become an emblem of these brands. It is difficult to think of them without remembering the folkloric ballet, the representations of Mayan rituals, the paths through the labyrinths that play with the senses, the games in the river of mud, the swim in the salt river, the walks through the trajineras and the drinks and snacks that are served there accompanied by the best selection of mariachi music. Other places and attractions also make a great effort to promote and keep alive the Mexican culture, such as the recently inaugurated Frida Kahlo Museum or the urban rescue carried out by Calles Corazón, both in Playa del Carmen.