Banreservas participará en FITUR 2018

El Banco de Reservas participará en la 38ª edición de la Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR),…

FELABAN: Latin America’s Largest Financial Conference will reunite Region’s International Banking Leaders

MIAMI, October 2017 – Two thousand international banking executives from 54 countries will gather in Miami for the 51st FELABAN Annual…

Survey: 9 in 10 Americans Rate Their Bank’s Mobile App “Good” or “Excellent”

​WASHINGTON — Nine in 10 mobile banking users in the U.S. (87 percent) rated their bank’s…

Ernst & Young to Unveil White Paper Created Exclusively for #CLAB2017

“Challenges and Trends of Digital Transformation for the Financial Services Industry,” by Ernst & Young (EY),…

Lizardo afirma Banreservas otorga mitad financiamiento turismo

PUNTA CANA, HIGÜEY.- Más de la mitad del financiamiento otorgado por el sistema bancario al turismo…

EXIM Bank Releases FY 2016 Annual Report

Washington, D.C., January 4, 2017– Today the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank) released…

International banking supervisory community meets to discuss the regulatory framework

Banking supervisors and central bankers from around the world attended the 19th International Conference of Banking…