Quintana Roo fight offers alternative options before the sargasso on the beaches

In presenting the strategy of combat sargassum on the beaches of Quintana Roo, the executive director of the Association of Hotels of the Riviera Maya, Manuel Paredes Mendoza, said “In addition to the daily cleaning tasks on the concessioned beaches, if a day dawns with sargasso, we invite guests to do some other activity “.
“We have to get creative, we as hoteliers not only sell accommodation, but a whole destination and experiences. We are not only a destination for sun and beach. ” According to Paredes, around 80% of Riviera Maya guests are foreigners, and some of them come for periods of 15 or 21 days, so it is important to focus on enjoying each one of these.
For its part, the executive president of the Association of Vacation Clubs of Quintana Roo (Acluvaq), Elsa Miriam Cortés, said that when foreseeing the arrival of sargasso, there is communication between the members of the presiding body so that guests can go to the free destinations of the algae. He also highlighted the opportunity to take them to know the other attractions offered by the destination. “The average stay of the client is of 7.9 days, so we look for that in that time the tourist is satisfied”.

Technical explanation
The presence of sargassum is not something new, it is a natural historical process that has its origin in the “Sea of ​​the Sargasso” located in the Atlantic, and that the water currents bring from the northern area of ​​Brazil to the Caribbean. Climate change has caused it to reproduce faster, to the degree that since 2011, the massive “arribazón” has been recorded between the months of May and September.
This was explained by the Secretary of Ecology and Environment of Quintana Roo, Alfredo Arellano, and Cuauhtémoc León, specialist in environment by the UNAM, detailing the actions to combat the situation, and give accurate information to tourists so that they do not desist from Visit the destination.

Information to the visitor
The Secretary of Tourism of Quintana Roo, Marisol Vanegas, stressed that the arrival of sargassum to the different beaches of the state is not every day, nor in all places, nor is it permanent.
Therefore, together with the prevention, retention and eradication strategy that the three levels of government, supported by academic institutions, make together, communication strategies are being designed to keep visitors calm.
Vanegas Pérez highlighted the good results of the holiday season that is about to conclude, which will exceed two million 307 thousand quarter nights, with a growth of 1.5% over the summer of last year.