The CARIBSKY airline alliance was launched in the Caribbean

CARIBSKY is a collaborative project mainly aimed at optimizing air transport in the
Caribbean area based on a new network of truly interconnected airlines. The goal is ultimately to promote the free movement of people and boost economic growth.

All airlines that contribute to this project will collectively endeavor to:
> Offer customers more services in the Caribbean region.
> Provide passengers with a connected network throughout the Caribbean, including many connection options to travel between territories of English, French and Dutch domain.
> Work together to create a spectrum of products more specifically adapted to
the needs of travelers, through our networks.

All stakeholders share a vision to enable better and easier travel options throughout the region.

Implemented by the airline AIRANTILLES in association with LIAT and WINAIR. The CARIBSKY project is co-financed by the INTERREG Caribe program with a total budget of € 4,670,000,
including 1.8 million euros as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and
€ 417 500 as part of the European Development Fund (EDF).
The balance is self-financed with the project partners: AIRANTILLES / LIAT / WINAIR & Discover Dominica.
It will take place over a period of three years.

CARIBSKY aims to share the experience of each airline, connect networks, optimize flight programs and unite teams.
Another important aspect will be to provide all Caribbean passengers with access to all Caribbean countries and ports of call in a single ticket.