Today starts Fiexpo 2018 in Santiago de Chile

Between today and tomorrow Fiexpo will connect the main destinations in Latin America with the most important companies in the industry, in the framework of the second edition of the show in the Chilean capital.

The eleventh edition of the annual meeting will promote Ibero-American destinations as venues and organizers of fairs, exhibitions, conventions, congresses, business meetings and incentive trips.

More than 215 buyers from Canada, Spain, USA have been invited UU and Latin America.

In this way, Chile along with countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala, among others – in addition to Houston and Aruba, as exhibitors, and Barcelona, ​​as a guest destination – will display their offer in this great tourist showcase co-organized by the Undersecretariat of Tourism and Sernatur.

The Chilean Undersecretary of Tourism, Monica Zalaquett, stressed that “we want this segment of tourism aims to break seasonality, attract more visits to our destinations and, therefore, generate more foreign currency. We are a safe destination, with easy access, with an infrastructure of quality, state-of-the-art technology, which enjoys political and economic stability, which, added to our multiple tourist attractions, service and experience, makes us an extremely interesting destination.

The tourism authority added that ‘it is important to point out that, according to world figures, meeting tourists spend a little more than twice the average daily expenditure of individual tourists than traditional tourists. Although in Latin American congresses the average expenditure is slightly lower than at international level, even so their economic contribution is greater compared to other types of tourists. For example, the average daily expenditure in South America is 380 dollars, while globally it amounts to 674 ‘.

For his part, Sergio Baritussio, director of Fiexpo, said that “we are very happy with what is coming in this eleventh edition in Chile, since we recorded a 25% growth of hosted buyers compared to the previous edition, which it far exceeds our expectations”.