Tourism authorities confirm presence in FIEXPO

FIEXPO Latin America will have the participation of leading tourism and economic authorities to mark, once again, its valuable contribution to the industry of congresses, fairs, conventions and business trips of the continent.

Alberto Alves, deputy minister of Tourism of Brazil, Mónica Zalaquett Said, deputy minister of Tourism of Chile, Agustí Colom, alderman of Tourism of Barcelona, Christoph Tessmar, executive director of the Buró de Convenciones de Barcelona, Rod Cameron, executive director of the Joint Meeting Industry Council (JMIC), Marcela Bacigalupo, Tourism minister of Paraguay, Julián Guerrero, vice president of ProColombia, Luz Estrella Rodríguez, Economy minister of El Salvador, many Tourism secretaries of Argentina –Jujuy, San Juan, Buenos Aires and Catamarca, among others–, Elizabeth Villalba, director of Tourism of Montevideo, and regional directors of Atacama, Coquimbo and Aysén of Chile are attending the 5th Latin American Political Forum on Meeting Tourism on June 4.

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