USA opens its doors to the world in IPW 2018

Reaching the 50th edition is an important milestone for all the annual events and the IPW is celebrating it in a big way. In 2018 the fair that presents and sells the United States to professionals from around the world, is spreading destinations and products like never before. The CEO of the US Travel Association, Roger Dow made statements at yesterday’s lunch sponsored by Brand USA.

While Donald Trump promoted some measures that caused concern to the tourism market, Dow addressed the issue bluntly indicating that “the United States is open for business in all segments of our industry.”

Then he made a short speech Chris Thompson, president and CEO of Brand USA who said that this administration is very oriented towards creating jobs and increasing GDP. “I personally do not know any better way to improve those two areas than with tourism.” He also reaffirmed that one of the roles of Brand USA is to work on the wrong perceptions of the country, such as the fact that it does not want tourists.

At the end of the lunch, the more than six thousand gifts could enjoy a show the band B-52s, with great success of the decade of the 80.

The great show of the tourism industry of the United States continues today and ends tomorrow where it will close its doors until the 51st edition.