Miami-Dade’s commercial real estate markets offer excellent values

If the first rule of real estate is “location, location, location,” a close second is knowing which space best suits your business needs. With a wide range of office, industrial and retail properties available in Miami-Dade County, some business owners may be overwhelmed by the options. Luckily, The Miami-Dade Beacon Council offers assistance in identifying commercial real estate opportunities and much more through its website The website features heat maps, municipal comparisons and other tools to help businesses evaluate communities and commercial property. It includes data on demographics, consumer spending, labor force and the available talent pool using mapping and geographic layering.

For more insight into the various real estate options available, including Free Trade Zones, executive suites and warehouses, visit our Miami Business Profile and Location Guide 2016, published by HCP/Aboard Publishing.

You could find your next home in bustling Downtown Miami, chic Coral Gables, family-friendly Miami Lakes, burgeoning Doral, artsy Wynwood or anywhere uniquely Miami.